Friday, February 5, 2010

Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar


After stepping off the plane and looking around I couldn't help but laugh. Seriously? The sky and the dirt are the same color? No plants anywhere, no water, no life except for an occasional desert fox slinking around. So this was home for the next two months. For the most part the days were spent sleeping with the nights reserved for flying missions, which was nice because the night sky looks the same wherever you are.


The base sits in the middle of nowhere about thirty minutes from the largest city in Qatar. It's an Air Force base which means it comes with a lot of stupid rules. Here are some of the award winners: shirts must be tucked in to shorts at all times...including when working out, a spotter is required when backing out of parking spaces, and best of all - reflective glow belts must be worn during hours of darkness. It's not like we're in a warzone or anything...stupid Air Force.


Here are some pictures of the base. How majestic. Below are the trailers we lived in for the two month stay and me with a mustache that you can't see because I'm Asian.


Sunset - the only time you see a color other than dirt.


Overall it wasn't a bad experience. Free food, no taxes, no bills, no washing dishes, no chores, just sleep, eat, study, fly, eat, sleep x 60...not to mention the ridiculousness that went on during the combat missions.



  1. awwwwwwwwwwwww. what a cute picture of you in your gear...erm...official attire?

  2. Replies
    1. killing Arabs on behalf of your master..the Jews.

    2. You're almost as funny as the pictures of the prophet Muhammad I like to draw. I can't believe some people are lucky enough to get paid to help kill jihadists

  3. ...hope you're doing as well as can be expected!

  4. My son just arrived there 2 days ago and will be staying for 6 months. He works on the planes. Airman Taylor. This is his 2nd deployment to Qatar.

  5. what is there to do on the base? gym? px/bx? arcade, foood? how far is it to doha?

  6. My son just arrived a couple of days ago. He is a pilot. Only for 2 months, I hope.

  7. I was here in 2003-2004. This place has come a long way since then. When I was there, you had a nice movie theater, the gym, swimming pool (outdoor), bx, volleyball, and outdoor basketball court. Also, the wagon wheel area where you had ping pong, poetry, music, your three alcoholic beverages a day, and I believe pool tables also.
    I'm sure they have more things there now though.

  8. one mans "stupid rule" is another mans "safety policy" The military mission is dangerous, especially at night on a flight line. Get over yourself airman and appreciate why we have these "stupid" rules in the air force. It's to keep some douche bag from getting sent home in a box with "non-combat" related death written on his toe tag.

  9. You my friend are an idiot. I spent 12.5 years in the Air Force and would have given you a formal reprimand for comments like this. Reflective blets save lives, spotters when backing help people from paying for accident damage to a vehicle, and having your shirt tucked in just makes it a more professional environment.

    Here is some 4 years and get out and go to a Corporate job where you have to wear Polo shirts and Nice Slacks every day!

    1. Lol at all you people so butthurt. It's a blog and he can say whatever he wants. Those rules are stupid. It's a joke to call Qatar a warzone but hey, if you fly a combat mission out of there whats the difference? You still are in a combat zone as far as your paycheck is concerned. ^^ Also you sir are an do you spend 12.5 years in the Air Force and not decide to do 20? Or were you medically discharged like the little bitch you sound like in your post. P.S. I did 4 and got out. I spent 7 months in Iraq and all I can say is that I swear to go I would rather spend my time in Iraq rather than Qatar so people like you wouldn't be correcting me on my shoelaces all day. Thank Jesus I am no longer surrounded by people like you. Both of you anonymous fags talk about combat and the only person on here that has a clue what it's like to be shot at is probably the original poster.

    2. With an attitude like yours, you'll go far.... right down the toilet. I thank Jesus that people like me are no longer surrounding you, as I would have no confidence that I could count on you to do your job right. Glad you did your four and got out. We don't need you. Just because we are deployed overseas, we don't stop being a military outfit and take pride in our traditions and appearance. But you probably never did and missed the point on your way out the door. Guess you weren't cut out for the military and didn't fit in - not everyone is or does. Best of luck flipping burgers or sweeping floors.

    3. I'm in the Army, you guys are fuckin' spoiled, this place is great compared to most places they send soldiers. quit bitchin' we are here for a full year, you get 60 days and back to the states. Spoiled ass air force.

    4. not everyone in the air force is deployed for 60 days. im security forces we deploy for 6 mths.

  10. Well Lt, sounds like you need to do your time and get out of the Air Force. It appears that you are nothing but a whinner, and the Air Force doesn't need someone like you as a future leader!

  11. My son arrived yesterday. He'll be there for 6 months. He described it as a giant sandbox.

  12. technically your not in a warzone. Qatar is an ally of the US. And its not really a deployment, more like a TDY

  13. The sunsets are amazing But everything else looks gloomy,i would be depressed.I really respect all the men and women out there!You look hot btw!Can i have yo number?

  14. My son in law just went there for a four month deployment from mc chord AFB the day after xmas ...he is a Air craft electrician on C-17's

  15. My son is heading there in a few weeks for a 6 month deployment. He is security forces and I'm sure will spend most of his time working out if he is not on duty. I do appreciate the pictures you posted because as a parent I like to have an idea of where my son is. ;)

  16. My son is there now for 6 months. He is in AGE and they are working 12 hours 6 days a week. So it is not all fun and games. More like work and sleep. Most of the people in the Air Force are NOT Pilots, and if it was not for all the support personal the Pilots would not be able to fly. Maybe you glory guys should say Thanks once in awhile.

  17. Everyone, stop commenting on this page. he was only there for two months. He left in May of 2010 at the latest. Just pray for his troops that he reports on and hope for the best for him. Stop Commenting!!!!

  18. You all need to take a closer look at his uniform. He's not in the Chair Force. He's a Navy P3 Pilot. You'd think someone with 12.5 years in the Air Force would now the difference... FWIW, yes the Air Force has some really dumb rules on their bases.

    1. Then stay off AF bases if you can't cope with it.

  19. AH HAHAHAHA Navy sucks. Reflective belts are stupid when worn off the flight line, and if you dont know how to back a vehicle up without hitting something then DONT drive (situational awareness peeps - OPEN your eyes and ears).

  20. It is really sad to know the U.S. military (all branches) have to deal with individuals that don't understand the whole picture. We as a country have to be more selective, not only who we select to have the prilege of being in the military, but who is allowed to represent the country while deployed to other countries.

  21. Anonymous said he would have reprimanded you for your comments. Anonymous needs to get back on his meds and calm the hell down. I'm an ex-military man and one who very much believes in following rules. However, as long as you wish to express your opinion in an informal manner, and not contribute to negative morale, then it's your choice. Every one can find something to gripe about. Just make sure you follow the military rules, no matter what you think of them.

  22. I'm a contractor getting ready to go to Al Udeid. CURRENTLY, how is it there? Can you get some R&R in Doha? 30 minute drive? Do contractors live in the tents, can you live in Doha? Many thanks in advance.


  23. The photos are eye openers. My daughter has been in Al Udeid for 6 mo, & is schedualed to go back to Boise in a couple of weeks. It helps people to appreciate loved ones, springtime, & the freedom we have.

  24. 36 hours was more than enough time for me to see ALL of the stupid AF rules, meet tons of idiots that thing life is hard there, and start to go crazy before I flew back out. Place sucks.

    And I agree...thats not really a deployment as much as it is a shitty TDY trip.

  25. I'm so glad I'm done having to deal with stupid Air Force rules. Qatar was a lot of work and a lot of sleep. Life was much better after separating. I don’t regret being an enlisted grunt, but would never do it again.

    1. So I'm is civilian life working out for you?

    2. Glad you found your calling outside of the service. Some people just can't adapt to our requirements. Hope you found something you could agree with and doesn't put too much strain on your personal needs.

  26. What are the rules when it comes to having an opposite sex in your trailer room where you sleep?

  27. Everyone that is complaining about their 2,4 or 6 month tours really need to be greatful they are in the Air Force and that's all they have to serve. My brother is in the Army and his deployment in Qatar is for a year. It could always be worse.

  28. Going for 6 months in October and couldn't be more excited. In Mississippi with the 100+ degree summers with 98% humidity, so the heat will feel normal. Keep in mind every rule they have is because someone couldn't apply common sense. Just do it, it's simple, and make the best of the deployment. I will! 6 months tax free pay and entitlements, time to do my Master's degree classes, and a change of scenery, I can live with the rules!

  29. Actually my husband is in the Air Force and he is about to serve a 365 day tour.

  30. Thank you for posting these pictures. My husband just left today and will stay six months in Qatar. I already miss him. It makes me feel better to know how it looks down there.

  31. It makes me feel so much better to see where my boyfriend will be . He left today and will be there for 6 months also . Thoughts and prayer to all that serve !

  32. My son may be going there in October. He was in Kuwait too. They weren't allowed to leave base. Can he leave base in Qatar?

  33. Good luck boys. I did 6 mths in Qatar in 2008 and it was the worst time of my time in the forces. Was suicidal like a few of my colleagues.

  34. Anglicat the Blue Star MomAugust 25, 2011 at 3:36 PM

    My daughter is set to deploy to Al Udeid in February. Looking for current recommendations about what she should bring. Nice sheets still impossible to buy there? She is a talented ice skater. Is that rink at the Mall a realistic recreational opportunity for her? She is in Security Forces. Is getting a day off still a rarity?

  35. Bring your own sheets and leave the skates at home. 6/12 hour days are the norm. Besides, this is not a field trip to Minnesota. I have recently deployed back from the Deid.

  36. Anglicat the Blue Star MomAugust 30, 2011 at 8:43 AM

    Welcome home, Anonymous. Glad to find somebody with recent experience doing the Deid.

    So, have they phased out the tents so that even the lowly live in dorms or trailers? Is internet access reliable? Did you generally go into town on your one day off? Thanks for any information you can provide.

  37. Reflective belts..If I need one to save my life then I probably have poor situational awareness...especially off the flightline or away from a loading dock. Tucking my shirt in on a 95-100 degree day...that's just helping with heat exhaustion in that porrly designed air force PT gear. No civilian clothes off duty...a way to keep stupid people from acting stupid (and a burden to people of average intelligence)...21 years of commissioned service and I know why this navy pilot thinks the USAF is all jacked up....because they are...from a current USAF officer 21yrs service. My time in the warzone was more enjoyable than pasing through the Died. Why I have to pass through here to get in theater or out is questionable.

    1. You're obviously not a team player and more interested in yourself than the mission. Take your 22 years and retire if you think the rules are stupid. I don't want you leading troops with your attitude.

  38. Everyone:

    If you would like your questions answered, or have any questions at all, please visit my new site and send an email to

  39. Everyone whines about their job no matter if its civilian life or military and if your a USAF SF you will complain even more because our job does suck, doesn't mean we don't do our jobs and doesn't mean that its not easy. Thanks for the pictures Ill be going on a deployment there in the next few months and good to see where ill be living at. Thanks LT for your service.
    -A Fellow Airman

  40. Our son is on his way there now. I am very proud of our son and pray for his and all of the them that are deployed anywhere.

    Like the comment matter where you work be it civilian or military there are always rules that someone is not going to like. Get over it and just follow the rules. Life has rules.

  41. My son has been there since September 28, 2011. He said he is doing well, from the pictures I am not so sure about that. I just want him to return home on January 26, 2012 safe and sound I do not think that is too much for a Mom to ask?


  42. Our daughter in there now. She left in June and has had only two different times she's been able to go off the base. The 6/12 is the norm, but there is a lot of times she's worked 16 hours. She has also worked 25 hours. She doesn't have many complaints other than the heat and unable to wear civilian clothes outside their rooms. I'm sure she has other complaints which always comes with a job. The 7 hour time difference has been some what of a challenge for her to call her 6 year daughter, but we've been able to make it happen. To our Military service men and women "Thank you for all you do"

  43. I'm supposed heading out there within this next month. Out of curiosity, what's the Internet connections like over there? What's the best way to communicate back home with my wife and kids? I know Skype is always an option but is that a ready option to access from one's living quarters?

  44. Do not come here... It is the worst place I have ever seen in my life. I actually had more fun in Paksitan and Afganistan. There are tons of rules that only apply to E-6 and below. This is by far one of the most corrupt places I have ever seen. They encourage open homesexuality, A commander dictates when a Husband and Wife may be alone in the same room together. Contractors get their own rooms to live in. E-6 and below have to sleep in bunk beds. The commanding General on this base is a fucking joke. If anyone knows of a media outlet that would be interested in reporting on wasteful goverment spending I would be more than happy to give them all the information that they need. I have solid proof of laws being broken, and a ton of exapmples of questionable activities that occur on this base. American tax Payers are being ripped off, and with the economy the way it is now, the buck has to stop somewhere.

  45. Thank you for posting these pictures. My husband just left today and will stay 5 months in Qatar. I already miss him. It makes me feel better to know how it looks down there.Thoughts and prayer to all that serve !

  46. For the post of Jan 28 2012, if you know of such corruption maybe you should contact the IG and not just complain on a website.


  47. I was deployed there in 2003 - 2004. I still lived in Camp Andy and helped to build what is now known as Al Udeid. Its been almost 10 years since I did the Deid but it wasnt nearly as gay back then.

  48. why doesn't qatar airforce up raise the salaries of the service men where they are living with out their families .They should understand the difficulties of the serving personnel.

  49. Could I please get a response. When there does MWR let you know how much trips cost in advance. Or do they tell you the day of

  50. reflective belts are dumb

    1. They save lives... maybe even your worthless one.

  51. Never got station there but did pass through and stayed a few days in the transient tents when returning back home from Iraq last year in February(2011). Feels good to be retired.

  52. Dear Sir,
    I have been retired from the Pakistan Air Force in February, 2009 after completing 18 years service.
    Now I want to join the Qatar Air FOrce.
    My job criteria IT, Admin & Security.
    Plz help me and guide me.
    Mohalla Akhtarabad
    City, P.O. & Tehsil Tangi
    Distt Charsadda, KPK

  53. Is there someone that works on Al Udeid AB right now??
    I have some questions I like to ask

    Please contact me at:



  54. People on this site obviously haven't heard of OPSEC/INFOSEC. I'm sure none of this information nor pictures would be of interst to a radical, but what do I know, hell, I'm just a security manager.

  55. Hi There
    Do the military still do parachute jumping at this site would be very interested if they do

  56. fuck you get a real military life honcho......

  57. such an imature answer Can a grown up do the talking for this little person.
    Unfortunately for you I have had a full militery career something you have not

  58. Hi all how are you ...
    I want to ask how in Qatar in Doha base is somewhere 30km ...if the mouth is built in it that I want to go to work there through agencies from Europe ....thanks hope you reply ...

  59. I have a son going there this month. He is E&E and works on the B1. He will be there for 6 months too.

  60. My son is there now, he will ne there for 6 months, my other son just joined, je will ne leaving soon. I will miss both sons so deeply. Sons be safe, and im thinking of u both. Qatar is a base that looks very hot, and very busy place. My son is working alot of hours. Jist please be safe there,

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