Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NAS Jacksonville, Florida


Here is the mighty P-3C Orion, also known as the sky pig - the type of plane I'll be flying for the next several years. Actually, I'll be flying the sky pig / cow for the few months I'm here in Jacksonville and then transitioning to another model, the EP-3 once i get to Washington state. Behold, the EP-3 Orion:


Big differences include black paint on the nose and a white layer on the top.

Classes started this past week and that's about it so far. The book I need to learn inside and out is about six inches thick and comes with manuals that are supposed to make learning the six inch book easier. Here's an excerpt from one of the manuals concerning the plane's electrical system:

"The 120-volt, single-phase 400 Hz, SEAC BUS is in the forward load center
and is normally supplied by phase A of the MEAC BUS through the normally
open contacts of the deenergized invert power relay, provided there is power on
the MEAC BUS. If power to the MEAC BUS fails, the SEAC BUS is supplied by
an inverter, provided the engine start selector switch is selected to an engine
and the power sensing circuit breaker on the MON DC BUS (if powered) is out."

The class hours aren't too bad so far. The day begins around 8 AM and goes for a few hours, followed by reviews and tests on computers for reinforcement. We're usually done around 1 PM for the day...except tomorrow. Tomorrow I have work from 9 PM to 12 AM. Best possible way to spend a Friday night!


  1. so...what you're saying is the multibillion dollar "upgrade" was a mere paint job? =P

    Also, was that excerpt written in English? Seems like you've gotta speak computer to understand that one.
