After finishing the first half of flight training in Oklahoma, it was off to Texas for the second half. A wonderful twelve hour drive through brown terrain and dry shrubs placed me in Corpus Christi. After a few days of apartment hunting, I decided to rent a townhouse. Twelve hundred bucks a month bought me a 2100 sq ft, two story, one car garage place with a balcony. The location was on an island away from the city with the only thing between me and the gulf coast being another house and a sand dune. A block away was an inlet that led out to the ocean. The area was also extremely quiet since there was hardly ever anyone around. Here's what the place looked like on the outside.
And the same thing at night:
The inlet was about a two minute walk from my place and always full of fish. The only problem was none of them tasted very good. They were still fun to catch and throw at seagulls.
There were several hurricanes while I was living here, two of which required city-wide evacuations. It was pretty amusing watching everyone freak out each time. My roommate and a few friends and I decided to go swimming during one. The wave heights were about the same size as those at California beaches, but the current was really strong - almost to the point of not being able to make it back to shore. It was a lot of fun though, especially watching people wonder what the heck we were doing.
Along the lines of natural disasters, the island caught on fire several time a block away from my house. Here's a nice picture of it. It looks like my house is on fire.
There wasn't a whole lot to do in Corpus except fish. Naturally that's what I started doing during my free time...tons and tons of free time. I took these one day while fishing off the local pier, which was about a mile from my house.